Week 12 review

On Thursday, we were divided into pairs, and we had to write a peer review of the essay of our partners. We were given a rubric of the factors that had to be considered while writing the peer review, such as coherence, aptness of title, thesis statement, strength of arguments and relevancy of multimodal elements. Writing the peer review was helpful in understanding the important elements of an essay, and functioned as critical feedback for writing future essays. 

In Friday's class, we were given three multimodal argumentative essays, and asked to analyse them. We had to determine whether they were good argumentative essays, and if not, explain the elements that could have been improved. We found that all the three essays were flawed, and fell short of being good argumentative essays. One of them lacked a proper thesis statement, another did not incorporate the multimodal elements properly into the essay, and the third essay was incoherent. Thus, analysing these essays helped us know what mistakes to avoid while writing an argumentative essay. 
