Week 13 review

On Thursday, we learnt about the concept of "Design Thinking", which involves processes such as empathy, defining the problem, ideation, prototyping and remodelling. We were then given subheadings of an essay, and asked to find multimodal elements that could be used for those topics. 

In Friday's class, we discussed innovation. Innovation is not an event, but a design process. We were given an activity in which we had to draw certain objects, the objective of the activity being that every creative process is innovative, and the product of each person varies immensely. In the design process, it is very important to empathise with the consumer or audience and be aware of their preferences and needs. To illustrate this fact, we were asked to design an ideal pen for our friends by taking their opinions into consideration. Then, we were asked to explain why we thought that the multimodal element chosen by us was relevant to the topic that we had been assigned. 
